4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle August 21 2024 UPDATED

PUBLISHED : August 20, 2024, 11:50 PM

August 20, 2024

4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle August 21 2024 Answers Today Has Been Updated on this page.

4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle August 21 2024 UPDATED

4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle August 21 2024 Answers: Published By HoneySlug

Below you will be able to find the 4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle Answers for August 21, 2024 and the theme of this August month is "Clever World History". Below the pictures, there are 7 letters to form a word. The word related to all these pictures is "BATTERY".​​​​​​​

4 Pics 1 Word Daily Puzzle Answer Today "Seven Letters Word"



Today's Four Pics One Word Daily Puzzle Challenge: August 21st, 2024 Solution

All About Different Working Tools & Small Gadgets

This picture has four different images, and they all show people working with tools or small gadgets. Let me explain each one to you guys.

First Picture Description (Kids Toy Car)

In the first picture, someone is putting a piece on a toy car. They are probably fixing it or making sure it works perfectly. It's like when you play with your toys and need to put something back in place to make it work again.

2nd Picture Description (Small Things)

The second picture shows someone hands holding a bunch of small things like screws and bolts. These are tiny pieces that help put things together, like when you build something with your toy set.

3rd Picture Description (Small Object Like A Battery)

In the third picture, there’s a tool holding a small round object, which might be a battery. This is done to be careful and not drop it. It’s like when you need to handle something tiny with extra care.

4th Picture Description (Battery Checking Tool or Meter)

In the last picture, someone is using a special tool to check a battery. They want to make sure the battery is working and has enough power. It’s kind of like when you check if your remote control still works if your batteries are powerup.


In conclusion, these images show different ways people use tools to fix or check things. Whether it's a toy car, tiny screws, or a battery, it's all about making sure everything is working well and is put together right.